All Orders:

1. How many days it takes for order shipping?
Ans. Most of the orders are shipped within 2-3 days from the date of order and Maximum 7 days.
For urgent Orders, kindly WhatsApp/call us.

2. When will i receive my product?
Ans. After dispatch a Notification is sent to customers with tracking details. Reaches in 2-4 working days. Let us know in case not received within 10 days of order dispatch.

3. Can i get Cash on Delivery?
Ans. Yes. For COD Facility - Use Code COD3070 on checkout, this code allows you to pay 30% advance and remaining 70% amount on delivery. For help kindly WhatsApp @ 9359795974 or email

4. Where can i track my order?
Ans. You can track the order online and you will receive a notification on dispatch along with the tracking details.
5. Are there any Extra Nails in Nail Sets?
Ans. Yes, we provide few Extra Nails on all Orders.

6. Where can i find Customer Reviews?
Ans. Please Click Here For Reviews.

For any other queries you can call / Whatsapp us on 9359795974 Or drop an email to us at 

For Press On Nails 

1. What are Press-on Naills/Artificial Nails?
Ans. These are Ready to wear nails

2. What are Nail Sizes and Nail Types?
Ans. These are standard Nail Sizes, Size Adjuster/Filer and Nail Fix Glue is included in Orders.  Few extra nails are given on each set.

3. Can i get Nail Designs of my Own Choice?
Ans. No, These are ready artificial nails, we cannot customize.

4. Can i keep and wear it multiple times? How many times are i can wear Press-Nails after wearing once?
Ans. Yes, you can use multiple times

5. What else is in the package?
Ans. 12 Nails (1 for each finger + 2 Extra), Glue , Filer. We also provide Adhesive Sticker , please whatsapp us in case you need adhesive stickers instead of Glue Bottle.

6. How long does the glue stays?
Ans. Glue Stays for 10-12 days if applied properly and taken care.

7. Can i do my routine work after putting these Press On nails?
Ans . Yes you can continue with daily routine activities after putting nails.

8. Where do i contact for Questions?
Ans. Kindly email us at or whats app at 9359795974

How to Use:

⭐10-12 Finger nails.
⭐1 Glue Bottle
⭐1 Filer

Apply glue or double-sided tape on the back of the fake nails, then quickly press it on the nails for 5 seconds.

Put your nails in warm water for 2 minutes which will remove nail sticker easier.

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